Thursday, December 27, 2012

Winterizing - The Emotional Pain

The temperatures have dropped below freezing a few times now, and with no power at our storage location, we knew it was time for the inevitable seasonal pain we call "winterizing".  Winterizing is not painful...the lack of freedom it represents is.  Gone are the long weekend trips where we can select the most remote site in a campground and know our sink will keep running and our toilet will keep flushing.  We are now relegated to staying at parks with nearby facilities and making those 6 a.m. treks in the pouring rain to the public facilities.  Don't get me wrong....we still LOVE to get away and explore Oregon every weekend possible, but are saddened by the limitations that come this time of year.  The paper plates are restocked, the jugs of water are onboard, and the campground "toiletries" are packed and ready for a daily trek to facilities.  This is the time of year where us northerners are jealous of our travel buddies that are down south enjoying the clear sunshine and full facilities.  Wishing all 4 of your that read this blog a wonderful holiday and happy new year!


  1. Just so you guys know, it is supposed to be 28 degrees here in Georgia tonight. So don't feel too bad. :O) I'm missing the sunny beach days we had too, but I AM thankful that WE don't have to winterize. - Stace

  2. Hello from Brenda & Karin! We are currently enjoying warm Florida days. But we have had nights here even that we came very close to needing to take measures to keep things from freezing up. And Tucson AZ, which we just recently moved away from has had ridiculously low temps to deal with. Craziness right? Stay warm! :)
